Four Ways to Improve the Probability of a Good Retirement
One of the best ways to ensure you can support an expected standard of living in retirement? Save early, save more, and monitor your progress.
One of the best ways to ensure you can support an expected standard of living in retirement? Save early, save more, and monitor your progress.
It’s because of uncertainty that we have a positive premium when investing in stocks vs. relatively riskless assets.
By accepting that uncertainty is part of investing, you can avoid unnecessary anxiety.
A well-diversified portfolio can help investors reliably capture market returns, limit individual stock risk, and improve the ability to tilt toward segments of the market with higher expected returns.
The stock market tends to reward investors who can weather annual ups and downs and stay committed to a long-term plan.
The impact of missing just a few of the market’s best days can be profound. Staying invested and focused on the long term helps ensure that you’re in a position to capture what the market has to offer.