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How Extreme Was Recent Large Growth Outperformance? Thumbnail

How Extreme Was Recent Large Growth Outperformance?

US small value stocks underperformed large growth stocks by about 4.5% per year over the past five years. Some investors have asked what went wrong with small value to garner such underperformance. Looking at returns over this period compared to the long term, we see the story is more about what went anomalously right for large growth.

Markets & Economy
Maximizing Your Retirement Savings: Strategies for Late Starters  Thumbnail

Maximizing Your Retirement Savings: Strategies for Late Starters

As a baby boomer, you may find yourself approaching retirement with less savings than you'd hoped. Whether due to economic fluctuations, personal circumstances, or simply the demands of life, many late starters face this challenge. However, it’s never too late to take action. Here are effective strategies to maximize your retirement savings and catch up on your financial goals.

Planning for Retirement