Using the Home Sale Gain Exclusion for More than Just Your Home
With careful planning, and provided you follow the rules, the tax code allows you to use the home sale gain exclusion every two years.
With careful planning, and provided you follow the rules, the tax code allows you to use the home sale gain exclusion every two years.
Even if you manage to land a big winner once or twice, our research has found that this luck is unlikely to repeat throughout a lifetime of investing.
There are many ways to plan for the need for elder care and many ways to obtain that care. It's best if you start planning as soon as possible so you can build a solid nest egg you can rely on over time. The worst time to consider how you're going to obtain and pay for elder care is the day that you discover that you need it.
Are you ignoring your future retirement needs? That tends to happen when you are younger, retirement is far in the future, and you believe you have plenty of time to save for it.
Every individual in the workforce has thought about retirement at one point in time or another. Depending on how advanced you are in your career, preparing for retirement might be at the forefront of your mind now more than ever. But how often does one consider the emotional side of this critical next stage in life? While this process can feel daunting at times, talking to an advisor can help.
An investment process with the flexibility to rebalance continuously through time can maintain asset class exposures more consistently (potentially capturing premiums more reliably) and potentially avoid unnecessary costs.