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Wayne Barben


PHONE: (801) 226-7722


Areas of Focus:

  • Tax and Pension
  • Retirement Planning


  • Joined Squire & Company, PC in 1997
  • Advisor with Squire Wealth Advisors
  • Experience setting up and administering 401(k), SEP, profit sharing and defined benefit plans
  • Enjoys helping people implement an evidence-based strategy for their investment portfolio
  • Affiliated with other professionals for insurance and estate planning needs
  • Married to Tami, 3 children
  • Tami and Wayne both love the outdoors, sports, good movies and music

Education and Certifications:

  • MACC, Utah State University
  • Certified Public Accountant
  • Personal Financial Specialist


  • Utah Valley Estate Planning Council
  • Utah Valley University Foundation
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, member
  • Utah Association of Certified Public Accountants, member