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Dwayne Asay

Dwayne Asay


PHONE: (801) 225-6900


Area of Focus:

  • Wealth Accumulation and Management


Dwayne concentrates his efforts and extensive knowledge on getting clients to, and ultimately maintaining, their financial independence.

  • Joined Squire & Company, PC in 1997
  • Has a significant background in tax, audit and business operations
  • Worked for McGladrey & Pullen, LLC, in Las Vegas, out of college
  • Served as controller in private industry for a software company

Education and Certifications:

  • B.S., Brigham Young University
  • MAcc, Brigham Young University
  • Certified Public Accountant


  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, member
  • Utah Association of Certified Public Accountants, member