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 Clayton Johnson

Clayton Johnson


PHONE: (801) 494-6081



Clayton is passionate about helping others navigate complex financial and life decisions to achieve peace of mind and live the life they want now and in the future. He primarily helps: 
  • Business owners seeking ways to build their wealth and reduce their taxes
  • Tech professionals & executives trying to maximize the after-tax return on their RSUs and other forms of equity compensation
  • Individuals and families seeking guidance on the financial and emotional complexities of preparing for retirement
  • High-Net-Worth families seeking to preserve their wealth and establish a legacy

Education and Certifications:

  • Bachelor of Science in Business Management, BYU


  • Clayton serves as a board member for the Utah Valley Estate Planning Council, an organization committed to expanding estate planning knowledge and expertise.
  • He also serves as a board member for International Jumuiya, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing critical resources to underprivileged students, refugees, and families.
  • Financial Planning Association – Utah Chapter